Register for Mini Maestro
HereIn-House Maestro Curriculum
Ask about bringing our custom music curriculum into your classroom, complete with your own Maestro and materials. Large class sizes available.
We love that you want to bring a music enrichment program into your preschool or daycare center! Our on-site music enrichment class offers the flexibility you need to fit your school's curriculum.
On Tour with Mini Maestro
Add your school to the Mini Maestro Tour for a 30 to 45 minute concert experience that introduces instruments to students in a fun and engaging group setting.
Contact UsParties & Events
Bring the Mini Maestro experience to your event with drums, horns, handbells, and more. You even get your own Maestro to sing songs and keep kids pumped!
Enroll Here!
To reserve a spot for your child, find their school below and follow the link to Register.